Psychic development is a gradual process that helps the human mind receive feeble signals and respond to extremely subtle occurrences. Such phenomenon is associated mostly with metaphysical and supernatural abilities. However, flagging them as supernatural is not the correct way to interpret, simply because most people cannot perceive them.
The goal of psychic development is to optimize our brain and maintain the brain waves within a certain bandwidth, which is most helpful for tapping into the power of our subconscious mind. But we cannot access our subconscious mind without minimizing the activities of our conscious mind, which is responsible for guiding us through our daily activities.
Whenever we think of something, information is exchanged in the form of electrical impulses within billions of neurons, through intricate circuits or inter-connections. In fact, when our brain learns anything, new connections are established to associate the new concepts with the existing ones. While all of these take place, waves of thought are formed and propagated between different parts of our brain.
Scientists classify brain waves based on their frequencies and measure the frequencies in Hertz (Hz) or Cycles per Second (cps). In discrete terms, the frequencies indicate the type of wave, the activities and areas of brain associated with them, the type of thoughts they carry, etc. According to existing classification of bandwidth for the entire spectrum, the type of brain waves are as follows: Delta (0.5 - 3 Hz), Theta (3 - 8 Hz), Alpha (8 - 12 Hz), Beta (12 - 38 Hz) and Gamma (38 - 42 Hz).
Among these types, Alpha waves have been associated with psychic abilities based on the results obtained from experiments. Documented evidences exists which shows that a person with psychic powers can trigger the generation of Alpha waves at his will, thus optimizing his brain for receiving subtle vibrations and transmit the same. This is analogous to tuning a radio at a specified frequency, either for the purpose of receiving or transmitting signals.
By practicing meditation or other techniques, we can weaken the high frequency waves and reach a stage where the low frequency waves are predominant. It is at that this stage when our mind becomes calm, we can access the unlimited power of our subconscious mind and we are able to hear the voice of our intuition more clearly. For example, we can easily hear the ticking sound of a wall clock during midnight, when all other sounds are minimized. But, it is almost impossible for us to hear the same during day hours, amidst the din of daily chores.
During deep meditation, alpha waves are generated which is associated with strong intuition, profound creativity and vivid visualization. Memory functions are improved greatly during this phase. Moreover, one acquires and masters the power of telepathy, psychokinetic activities, aura and chakra reading, distant healing and most importantly, the ability to predict the future. In fact, all of us has experienced such instances in our life when we had the premonition of an incident which is about to happen. This is quite possible, because alpha waves can be produced accidentally, in an uncontrolled manner. But such instances are quite rare and not sustainable.
Thus, to progress in the path of psychic development and became a psychic reader, one needs to gain control over the production of alpha waves at will. However, these are all part of an aspirant's spiritual journey, at the end of which lies the supreme goal - realization of the self. It should be kept in mind that a serious aspirant must not indulge in the display of psychic abilities too often, as the ultimate goal is the most prized one.
Leon Grant has conducted a series of interview with Jeanette Jones - a psychic reader in Brisbane, Australia, before writing this article. Jeanette has over 4 decades of experience and is engaged in psychic development in Brisbane. The author considers Jeanette as one of the most authentic and honest readers.
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